Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Partying with my bosses and other news...

Hi readers! Well, I am finally 100% recovered from my night out on Friday. This also means that the washboard abs that I had after throwing up all day are back to being regular plain old non-defined abs. Boo...Today was a VERY busy day. First I had work, which is always busy even if nothing crazy happens because, well, I work with 55 teenage girls. There's no way it could be anything other than busy. They were pretty good today, I have to say. Then we had a LOOOONG staff meeting and then I had to go to the dentist. I have a dentist who apparently doesn't believe in silver fillings. He says silver fillings break down your teeth from the inside and make you way more likely to need a root canal. So he drilled out my old fillings and replaced them with white ones. He is such a good dentist. He put numbing gel on my gums BEFORE he shot me with novacaine. It was totally painless! The drilling really didn't hurt a bit but the SOUND of the drilling nearly made me cry. I just can't stand it. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me. So then he patched me up with white stuff and off I went to the MASSAGE THERAPIST that my dentist has on staff full time to give you a 15 minute free massage after you have your dental work done. Yes and all of this was done at no cost to me. Yay for a great dental plan. Ahhhhh... Sooo, then I had to go back to work for family night. The first Tuesday of every night we invite all our girls and their parents to school for pizza and snacks so the parents can talk to the teachers about monthly progress. The past few months I have had ZERO girls at family night, so I was pretty excited to have 2 girls there tonight! Woo Hoo! Finally family night was over and we all went out for dinner because it's my friend Krissy's birthday. F U N . And that is all I have to say about today. Busy, right? So now I'm gonna hit the sack and get some sleep. Hope you enjoy the fab picture of me and my girls out on the town last weekend.




Anonymous said...

whah whah whah...you complain enough for 3 people

ame on the move said...

Pardon me but I was not complaining at all. I was filling my readers in on my day. The day had both good and bad points. I just speak the truth.

Anonymous said...

I too think you are complaining. More pics of Linny!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ame!

Who are these anonymous lugs? Show some hupspa and state your name! I read no complaints. I read some anxiety over the noise of the drill. The rest was very postive - even thankful. So quit your own whining!

Amy, sorry we aren't able to see you this weekend. However, we understand your plight. Glad to hear you're all settled anomg "civilized" people now.

Tell Rob we said hey and give him our best.

Hi to Linney and Thorn as well (and other family members who read this)!

Luv y'all!

- Unc <8^O

P.S.: We leave for Jaimee's M-a-W trip tomorrow! Woo-hoo!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy,
I don't think you were complaining at all. I think that's a very Christiany heart. You're very good of thinking and of installing web sites like this blog for instance. Hi to Linny if you read this. I love you, bye!
Love, emilie

Anonymous said...

Hi Ame,

I think I'd like your dentist to have a chat w/Dr. Ferdman. That massage afterwards sounds good to me!

Sorry we can't see you this weekend, but looking forward to your visit at Christmas.

We'll try to get some digital pics at D.W. to send to you. Can't wait to be in some warm weather again. It's pretty here with all the trees turning colors, but beginning to get colder too.

Love you, Auntie J.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Rogereeno,

What is a hupspa? I didn't see that in my websters anywhere. Can you help me out. I mean I am just a backwards country boy with no computer as ame puts it.


Mr. Anonymous